

So... This week has been pretty homo-erotic for me. Why? I shall tell you, dear Readers! My work colleagues at the beginning of the week have been surprised by my shoe size (17 UK. The average is roughly 9-10), so I have large feet. There is an old proverb that the size of one's foot is an indication of genital endowment, so the larger the feet, the bigger the penis. Flattering thought! So they've been imagining my manhood which is nice because nobody really has done that to my knowledge. But it's far from over! Two in particular, three in fact seem to enjoy touching me, be it on my nipples or squeezing my posterior for whatever reason. As of late they've started playfully trying to grab my crotch and even hugging me from behind only to thrust their pelvis into my backside. Now, I don't dislike it because I like the attention, it is nice to be wanted... It does however come (No pun intended) with a few distracting cons. Namely, I keep thinking of supe...

Nice dreams are nice. ♥

So as the title suggests, I had a rather curious and sensual dream recently. The scenario is extremely unlikely to happen as it did in my head, as are most musings of this little Teddy Bear, yet my head-canon tells me that life is dull and full of poop, so I imagine awesome stuff to counter-act this world and it's woes. The scene is thus: I was invited to a "Guy's Night Out" with fellow co-workers, some of which I don't particularly consider friends. In truth I consider none of them friends, they are co-workers. Some of them I get along with, some I even play Xbox One online with, but I cannot call them friends. Anyway, we all order our drinks and chat at the table. One of us notices a Karaoke machine and while everyone else is slightly tipsy/on the road to drunk, I was not and I retained my senses. A rather cute guy is currently performing on the Karaoke machine and rather well I must admit, hitting each note to a pleasant degree without any notable ...

I'm still alive!

Almost forgot I had this blog. That didn't take long! Hmm... There's a song here about God and Satan having Poker and Chess matches for the protection/theft of Human souls. Listen to it. That is all for now... Snuggles and cute things will come in time... In time... Pretty brain dead right now.

I love a rainy night~

♥ I got home from work feeling bubbly as Hell and it started raining so, here! ♥ Heavens weep a cascading veil, Downpour, eternal and relentless, Out in the streets emits a wail, One of the wind that seeks to bless. Punishing the glass of the window, Shrouding the skies in black and blue, A benevolence can be seen in the gloomy glow, Heard in every strike of the soaked grass, right on cue. Like Eddie Rabbit, I love a rainy night, Weather often mistaken for despair, I see haunting beauty and delight, In every droplet that falls down with care. Crescendo of the water's descent, The casting shadow of a darkened cloud, As firm and absolute as cement, It remains a happy sight, speak it aloud! I love a rainy night~

People stuff and things!

I had a rather curious discussion, albeit a brief one about selfishness recently. About how potentially the most selfish thing you can do is to do something for another. I disagree with this statement. A selfish person serves their own self-interests, they do not care about another person's well being, they do not care about the state of another's property or lifestyle, they do not care about anybody except themselves because they are the centre of the Universe. That is at least, the extreme end of the spectrum. The other end is the pure Altruist, who will unhealthily sacrifice their own well-being for others because it makes them feel good and happy and genuine. Sounds nice in principle, but think about it for a moment. What kind of a life do you live if you do only what others want or seek? What kind of a person does it make you? To me? A bit of a silly one. Selfishness is human nature, human beings are prone to feelings of greed and envy even if only slightly, perc...

Because why not?

Happy days, sad days, glorious days, crappy days, Streaming fails, lying websites, sneaky fees online, A part of me wishes to ignite the Internet, what a blaze, Just imagine as we feast on charred Internet, sounds fine! Snuggles, cuddles, pillow, puppy, teddy bear and more, It's the little things in life that piss you off the most, I don't know why nor do I care, just nuzzle and adore, The company of those you enjoy, or eat some jam & toast. I don't even know what I'm writing, it's just random stuff, Making it up as I go along, who doesn't do that though? Such is my approach to life, but I don't think nearly enough, Guess I can do what Elsa keeps singing about: Let it Go. I'm anxious as Hell, scared of loud noises, people and change, Yet some changes I'd like to have, such as someone to hug, Someone to accept all of my flaws, though this is out of range, Fleeting desires tha...

Close to the Edge: A BDSM Story ♥

Monday evening, the night had begun to fall down upon the land, dusk looming like fog in the distance, scattered rays of a bleeding sun scrape across the darkening sky like a fan of knives. Krissy did that night what he does every night: Boot up the computer and log into video games. A few matches of Town of Salem, seeking to lie and deceive the other players in order to lynch his target, or slaughter the Town members, or eradicate the Mafia and Serial Killers in the game. Wit and strategic planning, which never existed: Everyone was bloodthirsty. Yet through all of the cheerful dispositions, all of the laughs provided in communities online, all the smirks and humour made at work, Krissy was never satisfied enough. He was lonely, afraid of going out to meet someone, forever stuck in a vicious cycle of desiring something he lacks the strength to find for himself. Deciding to play some Republic side characters on Star Wars: The Old Republic, coveting the Legendary status for his Acco...