The reason why is simple!

My Fitness Schedule is working!

I created a meticulous database on Microsoft Excel that calculates my total daily intake of Calories (Measured in the kcal format), Carbohydrates, Sugar and Fat. I used conditional formatting to make the results appear red if they exceed the daily intake for a healthy woman. Yes, I am not a woman, but that is the idea: I hope that I can 'trick' my body into losing the ability to eat so much, by striving for less nutritional intake for the average male. That and lots and lots of time on my Confidence Fitness machine, which truly has helped.

I started this on Saturday (12/08/2017) and I weighed myself last night. I lost 3.14kg! That also translates to half a stone/7 lbs. I had no idea I'd lose that much in just five days!

There are 30/31 days in a month, but for the sake of argument let us assume that all months have 30 days. Which, technically speaking they do.

Five days of dieting, measuring nutritional intake and exercising the way I do has caused me to lose half a stone/7 lbs/3.14kg. Assuming I maintain this level of dedication at the very least - I might even improve! - I could theoretically lose 2 stone/28 lbs/ 12.7kg a month, perhaps even 3 stone/42 lbs/ 19.05 kg! That would make me so happy, but I do not want to get my hopes needlessly up just yet.

I also watched the leaked episode of Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 6. But no spoilers! (Jon Snow is in it, *Gasp!* )

All in all I feel very proud of myself and I am honoured that the two ladies to whom I engage in frequent conversation with are supportive of my work so far. I cannot let them down, nor can I let myself down!

There is another curious matter that has arisen, and I am unsure what to think of it.

My... Friend, the one I once considered a Bae, a sweetheart, perhaps something close to a partner gradually lost the tenderness and just became a friend whose banter consisted of sexual remarks or rude emotes (Not always of the sexual kind of rude). Yet, our latest conversation took an unexpected turn.

He would like to meet me in real life, in the future.

What do I even make of that?

I'm of course flattered, that someone is interested in meeting me through familiarity over the Internet, yet the thought of it is scary. Not only because I am socially inept and would have an anxiety attack simply getting to the airport on my own, but also the fact that... Well. I don't know how he feels about me. He claims to love me and just says he sucks at showing that, but he did perfectly well the first year we knew each other. We would emote cuddle, kiss, tuck each other into bed, say "I love you~!" and cherish one another. In these days I am lucky if I get stroked like a pet.

Yet he wants to meet me in the future, when we are financially secure and are able to freely travel without concern for cost. He wants to meet me, he would be open to showing me his cross-dressing side, and he was polite about it.

My efforts are gradually decreasing as well, to get some kindness from him again as the constant rude behaviour upsets me somewhat. Yet, it might be working, I get more hugs from him and he even emoted a few straddles. The idea of which, by the way, is incredibly hot.

But I digress.

I'm not sure, I think it is too early to tell, but rather like my weight loss: I'll strive to avoid getting any hopes up.

Until then, stay sexy Reader(s)!

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